Descriptions of document in the data (zip) folder for paper “Mitigating extortive corruption? Experimental Evidence” by Khachatryan, Kube, and Vollan. Name of file Purpose FULL1.csv Compilation of all raw data into a single excel-csv file. (can be opened as a *.texfile) File that prepares the .dta file used for the data analysis in Stata. Variable names are either converted to the corresponding meanings in English (for example male/female) or to the exact questions asked of experimental subject through Ztree in German, since the experiment was run in Bonn EconLab with German subjects. Questionnaire answers that include a verbal scale are also coded into numbers. data_regression_working2.dta Used for data analysis in Stata. Khachatryan_Data.csv Same as the data_regression_working2.dta file, but in excel, *.csv format.