Data description The data set contains 2325 observations of youths who dissolved their apprenticeship contract in 2002. 9000 questionnaires were sent out to youths who had dissolved their apprenticeship contract in 2001/2002. 2325 questionnaires were returned, but only n = 1619 observations could be used for this work, e.g. because vital information was missing. There might be selection bias, if, for example, dropouts are less likely to answer such a questionnaire. However, the descriptive numbers for dropouts as opposed to other educational choices after the dissolution of an apprenticeship contract are quite similar to previous studies in the field. See, for example, Neuenschwander (1999). As the focus of this research is on revision decisions, we also excluded the youths whose apprenticeship contract was terminated before they started their apprenticeship or because of a bankruptcy of their training firm. This already reduced the sample size by 298 observations. Among the remaining almost 400 questionnaires, about 300 had to be discarded because of missing information about the reasons for the dissolution of the apprenticeship contract such as exam nerves, financial distress or bad career prospects. There seems to be no relationship between missing information on these items and characteristics such as level of schooling and field of apprenticeship, which makes it difficult to assess the possibility of sample selection based on observable characteristics. It could be the case that respondents have not answered these questions because they dissolved their apprenticeship contract on a whim and there are no well-defined reasons for their decision, or because they want to avoid thinking about the issue altogether, but it is unclear what this might imply for sample selection. The remaining 100 questionnaires had missing information on a number of different items, without a clear pattern. The data set is managed by the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training's Research Data Centre. Test data can be used after signing a user’s agreement with the Research Data Centre. The data set contains (among others) information on the occupation in which the apprenticeship contract was dissolved, the current status of participants, their prior school education, size of the training firm and reasons for the dissolution of the apprenticeship contract. Depending on the level of anonymization of the data set, there are three different possibilities for data access: a scientific use file, access during research stays at the research data centre, and remote data analysis. It is therefore suggested to contact the research data centre and discuss these three possible options if you are interested in using the data. The sample consists of respondents from several chambers of commerce and chambers of crafts. For data protection reasons, this information can only be used in justified situations during research stays at the research data centre. The scientific use file contains only information on chamber of commerce vs. chamber of crafts. This regional-level information was used to add the following information on regional labor markets from various sources: salaries for apprentices (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training), regional wages for unskilled workers and regional unemployment rates (Regional data base of the German Federal Statistical Office and the Statistical Offices of the Laender), local population density of working-age population (age 15-65) and population accessible within one hour by public transport (German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning’s Indicators and Maps on Spatial and Urban Development, INKAR) and the supply-demand ratio on the job market for apprentices as well as the percentage of youths in full-time schooling apprenticeship for occupations that are usually offered in dual apprenticeship training (German Federal Employment Agency’s statistics). (Source:, own information) Datenbeschreibung Der Datensatz "BIBB-Vertragslöserstudie 2002" enthält Daten aus einer Befragung von 2.325 Jugendlichen, bei denen es im Jahr 2002 zu einer Auflösung des Ausbildungsvertrages gekommen ist.. Der Datensatz liegt im BIBB-Forschungsdatenzentrum vor. Testdaten können auf Anfrage und mit gültigem Nutzungsvertrag zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Der Datensatz enthaelt unter anderem Informationen zum Ausbildungsberuf, in dem der Ausbildungsvertrag aufgeloest wurde, Verbleib der Auszubildenden, Schulbildung, Firmengroesse sowie Gruende fuer die Vertragsaufloesung. Zugangswege für den Personendatensatz sind ein Scientific-Use-File (SUF), das Gastwissenschaftlermodell (GWA) und die Datenfernverarbeitung (DFV). Da sich die mit den Zugangswegen korrespondierenden Datensätze im Anonymisierungsgrad unterscheiden, wird vor einer Antragstellung bzw. bei einem konkreten Nutzungsinteresse der direkte Kontakt zum BIBB-FDZ empfohlen. Die Stichprobe ist regional auf einzelne Kammerbezirke konzentriert. Aus Datenschutzgründen ist diese Detailinformation Externen nur mit einem begründeten Zusatzantrag im Gastwissenschaftlermodell zugänglich. Der Datensatz enthält (stattdessen) obligatorisch eine dichotome Variable, ob der Ausbildungsvertrag im Bereich der HWK oder IHK gelöst wurde. Die Information zu Kammerbezirken wurde genutzt, um Daten zum regionalen Arbeitsmarkt hinzuzuspielen. Diese Daten stammen aus den folgenden Quellen: Ausbildungsverguetungen (BiBB), Loehne und Gehaelter fuer ungelernte Arbeiter und Arbeitslosenquoten (Regionaldatenbank Deutschland der Statistischen Aemter des Bundes und der Laender), Bevoelkerungsdichte der Bevoelkerung im erwerbsfaehigen Alter (15-65) und erreichbares Bevoelkerungspotential (Bundesamt fuer Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Indikatoren und Karten zur Stadt- und Raumentwicklung INKAR) und Informationen zum Ausbildungsmarkt, naemlich den Prozentsatz an Auszubildenden in dualen Ausbildungsberufen, die ihre Ausbildung in schulischer Form absolvieren (Statistik der Bundesagentur fuer Arbeit). (Quelle:, eigene Angaben)