*Deskriptive Statistiken Haushaltsdaten 1996-2011 *erstellt: 15.11.2016 cd "I:\wealth\Migranten und Wohnungseigentum\Data\Datensaetze" use hmaster_mig_aufbereitet.dta, clear set more off *Daten poolen: Jahresgruppen bilden *1996-2000 gen year2000=1 if jahr>1995 & jahr<2001 replace year2000=0 if jahr<=1995 replace year2000=0 if jahr>=2001 *2001-2005 gen year2005=1 if jahr>2000 & jahr<2006 replace year2005=0 if jahr<=2000 replace year2005=0 if jahr>=2006 *2006-2012 gen year2012=1 if jahr>=2006 & jahr<=2012 replace year2012=0 if jahr<2006 replace year2012=0 if jahr>2012 *Homeownership rates by nativity in each year (in percent) bysort jahr mig: tab downer [aweight=hhrf] **************************************************************************************************** *Covariates by nativity and (pooled) years **************************************************************************************************** *Individual-specific characteristics *Age by mig, sort: tab alterKat3 if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab alterKat3 if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab alterKat3 if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Education by mig, sort: tab educ if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab educ if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab educ if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Employment, marital status by mig, sort: sum empld married if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: sum empld married if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: sum empld married if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Household-specific characteristics *Deflate income and wealth cd "I:\wealth\Migranten und Wohnungseigentum\Data" merge m:1 jahr using "verbraucherpreisindex lang.dta" drop if _merge==2 drop _merge gen netincdef=(netinc/verbraucherpreise)*100 gen netwealthdef=(netwealth/verbraucherpreise)*100 gen netpropdef=(netprop/verbraucherpreise)*100 *EK-Quintile xtile netinc_quin=netincdef, nq(5) by mig, sort: tab netinc_quin if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab netinc_quin if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab netinc_quin if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Homeownership and number of children in household by mig, sort: sum downer numberkids if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: sum downer numberkids if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: sum downer numberkids if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Household size gen singlehh=1 if numberpers==1 replace singlehh=0 if numberpers>1 replace singlehh=. if numberpers==. *Categories with interaction of gender and hh size gen single_male=(singlehh==1 & mann==1) gen single_female=(singlehh==1 & mann==0) gen couple_male=(singlehh==0 & mann==1) gen couple_female=(singlehh==0 & mann==0) *Household composition by mig, sort: tab single_male if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab single_male if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab single_male if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab single_female if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab single_female if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab single_female if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab couple_male if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab couple_male if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab couple_male if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab couple_female if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab couple_female if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: tab couple_female if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Regional characteristics *Regionstyp gen reg_typ2=. if reg_typ=="" replace reg_typ2=1 if reg_typ=="Ländliche Region" replace reg_typ2=2 if reg_typ=="Region mit Verstätderungsansätzen" replace reg_typ2=3 if reg_typ=="Städtische Region" label define reg 1 "rural area" 2 "region in transition" 3 "urban area" label values reg_typ2 reg by mig, sort: tab reg_typ2 [aweight=hhrf] if year2000==1 by mig, sort: tab reg_typ2 [aweight=hhrf] if year2005==1 by mig, sort: tab reg_typ2 [aweight=hhrf] if year2012==1 *Hauspreise and East/West by mig, sort: sum price west if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: sum price west if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] by mig, sort: sum price west if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Migration-related characteristics *Migration cohorts gen c1=1 if immiyear<1976 gen c2=1 if immiyear>=1976 & immiyear<1986 gen c3=1 if immiyear>=1986 & immiyear<1996 gen c4=1 if immiyear>=1996 & immiyear<2006 replace c1=0 if c2==1 | c3==1 | c4==1 replace c2=0 if c1==1 | c3==1 | c4==1 replace c3=0 if c2==1 | c1==1 | c4==1 replace c4=0 if c2==1 | c3==1 | c1==1 sum c1 c2 c3 c4 if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] sum c1 c2 c3 c4 if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] sum c1 c2 c3 c4 if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Country of origin tab corigin3 if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] tab corigin3 if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] tab corigin3 if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Language most often used (1 "mostly german" 2 "mostly country of origin" 3 "both equally") tab language if year2000==1 & mig==1 [aweight=hhrf] tab language if year2005==1 & mig==1 [aweight=hhrf] tab language if year2012==1 & mig==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Wish to stay in Germany tab stay if year2000==1 & mig==1 [aweight=hhrf] tab stay if year2005==1 & mig==1 [aweight=hhrf] tab stay if year2012==1 & mig==1 [aweight=hhrf] *Weighted shares of immigrants and natives tab mig if year2000==1 [aweight=hhrf] tab mig if year2005==1 [aweight=hhrf] tab mig if year2012==1 [aweight=hhrf]