Article: "Temporary agency work and firm performance: A replication study with extensions" Authors: Pfeifer, Weche Journal: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics -- Data: ---------------------------------------------------------- We used three data sources which were merged together and made available within the framework of the AFiD (Amtliche Firmendaten für Deutschland, official firm data for Germany) project administered by the German statistical offices. Detailed information on the project can be found here: The microdata produced by the German Statistical Offices is confidential data. Therefore, we do not have a direct access to the data and conducted the analysis via remote access. A more detailed description of the data and the data access can be found on the German website: The individual sources we used are the following: 1. The Cost Structure Survey (‘Kostenstrukturerhebung’). 2. The Survey of Products (‘Produktionserhebung’). 3. The Monthly Reports of Establishments from the Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying Sectors (‘Monatsberichte’). Accessibility: ----------------------------------------------------------- The data access has to be requested by a member of a German research institution. For more information, see: Furthermore, the data description documents are written in German language and hence German language skills are necessary. The statistical offices charge costs per dataset. Additionally, costs have to be paid for every “extra processing”. Replication: ----------------------------------------------------------- Our analysis can be replicated by using the accompanying Stata do file "".